This war we are waging is already lost
The cause for the fighting has long been a ghost
Malice and habit have now won the day
The honours we fought for are lost in the fray
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
The best is yet to come.......
Wednesday, 2 June 2010
There might have been things I missed, but don't be unkind It don't mean I'm blind Perhaps there's a thing or two I think of lying in bed I shouldn't have said
In the autumn of my madness which in coming won't be long
Awake...shake dreams from your hair my preety child my sweet one,choose the day and choose the sign of your day,the day is divinity first thing you see.....
back in time when everything was all right
Καπου εκει μανα......
Καπου εκει που κρυβεται η ζωη,καπου εκει που σταματαει ο χρονος,καπου εκει βρισκεται χωρις να ξερει....
Ητανε μια φορα......
στο καλο να πας πατερα...
...και κουβαριαστηκα μεσα στα χρονια και τις μνημες,τυλιχθηκα με την κουβερτα των αναμνησεων να ζεσταθω απο το ψυχος του παροντος.Αναψα την θερμαστρα των περασμενων να λιωσω τους παγους των τωρινων,μακρυ ταξιδι,μεσα στους λαβυρινθους του μυαλου,οδυνηρο μα και γλυκο,αντιξοες δυναμεις....